Facial Differences

Looking for information about living with facial differences? Here are some good places to start.
Craniofacial Anomalies
Part of Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center’s Pediatric Neurosurgery Home Page, this page provides an overview of craniofacial differences and pictorial guide to the anatomy and etiology of various types of craniosynostosis.
The Craniofacial Surgery Book
This online book from the Tennessee Craniofacial Center provides information about surgical techniques used on 32 different craniofacial conditions. Each section is a separate PDF file (you will need the freely available Adobe Reader to view it).
Let’s Face It
The web site of Let’s Face It, an informational/support organization, features the complete contents of its excellent resource guide. Included are: organizations, reading and resources for parents and professionals, resources especially for young adults, special resources for cancer survivors, fun and games, speakers and songsters, resources for easing pain, genetic resources, and and resources about vascular birthmarks. Hyperlinks are provided.
Other Organizations
The following national nonprofit organizations provide information and/or services for people with facial differences. Their web sites provide information about the organization.
AboutFace [updated 2/24/01]
Children’s Craniofacial Association [updated 2/24/01]
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